Fizzd - One Shift More

I've been waiting for so long
Waiting for my doctor to come
These aches been going on for days now
And I'm feeling slightly down

Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep!
Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep!

I've been working night and day
Havent had a wink of sleep
But they've been waiting for so long
(I've been waiting for so long!)
And I'm the one on-call this week

Heart-beats, heart-beats, heart beats, heart
Heart-beats, heart-beats, heart beats, heart

Good morning Mr. Stevenson, my name is Dr. Paige
And I'm the consultant on call today
How are you?
(I'm better thank you, but it still hurts when I move)
Understandably so
You might be getting pressure sores
Has the nurse come to change your position?
(No, not since the morning)
Oh dear, we'll get her here
The x-ray has come in now, and there is good news sir!
You haven't broken your tailbone and your hip is intact
(Oh thank heavens! I don't know why I let myself fall, I'm such an idio-)
Don't worry, it happens to the best of us
But more importantly, how are you feeling?
(I-I'm okay-)
Everything well at home?
(I think so but-)
Great! We'll get you discharged tomorrow then
Is there anything else sir?
(Yes, my - my wife hasn't called since yesterday
We always talk once a day, and -)
Okay, yes, um, of course, we will get the nurse to call her up and see if she's—
(Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep!)
Oh dear

There my pager goes again!
(I've been waiting for so long)
Give me strength to carry on!
(Waiting for my doctor to come)

Thank you sir, have a good rest-
(But doc please check on my wife)
(My husbands somewhere in here too!)
She's just forgotten to call! Okay?!

(Don't fall for these doctors lies!0
(Please could someone help me out!)
(Driving around in their cars!)
I should've been done at six!

(Doctors are taking too long!)
(Heart-beats, heart-beats, heart-beats, heart)
(The public deserve to have care!)
I'm the one that needs some help!
(Saturday pay shall be cut!)

(Heart-beats, heart-beats, heart-beats, heart)
Someone save me from this hell
(Privatisation is key!)
Shouldn't have gone to med school

To all my friends that I have lost
While crossing bridges I have crossed
Dinners, weddings, coffee sessions
I'm sorry I was never there

You see, I've been on call this week
I'm barely getting any sleep
I'd love to catch up, I really would
But they've been waiting for so long

(Hey! Ada sorry I'm late-)
There you are handover was an hour ago what took you so long-
(I'm, I'm so sorry my mother had another episode, the carer was running late
I couldn't just leave her there I called up the hospital
To try and let you know I guess they didn't)
Oh, no, they, I'm sorry to hear that

(It's fine
Thanks for covering ada
Really appreciate it
Hope the patients
Didn't give you too much trouble?)

No, no, not at all
Okay, so
Mr. Stevenson had fall yesterday
He's - he's doing fine
But we still dont know if
It was mechanical or syncope

(He doesn't remember?)
No, x-rays were all clear
(Any history of af?)
Not on the records
(Aspiration pneumonia?)
No, his lungs are fine